Donald Beautification Group
The Donald Beautification Group (DBG) is a volunteer group of residents and business members. The DBG is always looking for more volunteers and membership is open to anyone. The DBG is modeled after the Oregon Main Street Program.
DBG's mission statement: to keep Donald a great place for families to live, friends to visit and businesses to thrive.
Connie Lindsay-Bradley, Chair
Krista Fogelson, Secretary
Vacant, Main Street Coordinator
Next DBG Meeting:
All DBG meetings are held at GK Machine - 10590 Donald Rd. from 6:30pm -7:30pm
Past Agendas and Minutes are available upon request.
Current Projects
Old Fashioned Ice Cream Social
Saturday, August 26, 2023 from 2pm - 4pm at the Donald Fire Hall​
Cool down on a hot summer day! Bring the family down to the Donald Fire hall for an Old Fashioned Ice Cream Social with games, a raffle and crafts. Ice cream treats are free while supplies last!​
Past Projects
​Paint a Fire Hydrant
Hosted by the City and the DBG, families are invited to help brighten up Donald's Streets and adopt a Fire Hydrant to design and paint.
Design Inspiration
The City received a grant from the Oregon Department of Parks and Recreation in which the DBG used to add a piece of play equipment and a permanent restroom at Donald's Hometown Park.
The group had new signs made for Donald's Hometown Park.
The DBG worked alongside the Donald Planning Commission/Tree Board to get Donald officially added to the Tree City USA list.
In 2021 the DBG presented to the City Council new "Welcome to Donald" signs. Thank you to GK Machine for the donation of labor and materials.
Since 2017 the City has teamed with the DBG in hosting city-wide clean-up and recycling events.
Donald's Downtown 'Walkabout' (A Fun Exercise for All)