Urban Growth Boundary Study
Why are we doing this project?
During our 2015 Comprehensive Plan update, it was determined that the City of Donald has a deficit of approximately 76.7 acres when providing for Donald’s 20-year residential land needs. Our city limits currently align with our urban growth boundary (UGB). This means that we have no land available to annex into our city. We are experiencing growing pains. The City of Donald will therefore initiate an urban growth boundary (UGB) expansion study this fall to comply with State laws and to address the identified land needed for local housing.
What is a T.A.C. (Technical Advisory Committee) ?
The Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) will have an important role guiding our UGB Expansion Study. TAC membership will include citizens, business owners, partner agencies, elected officials, and City, County and State staff who represent a variety of viewpoints in our community. Your perspective is valuable to us.
What will the T.A.C. do?
TAC members will review staff findings about our community’s ability to grow, including factors related to infrastructure, transportation, soils, etc. The TAC will also consider input from local residents and businesses. Using all this information, the TAC will help shape several alternative expansion areas on the map, including a no-growth option. The TAC will weigh the advantages and disadvantages of each scenario, ultimately recommending one “preferred alternative” which staff will then present to the community, the Planning Commission, the City Council, and Marion County for consideration and ultimately final approval.
How is this project funded?
The public outreach and planning is paid for by a generous grant of $14,000 from Marion County's Community Economic Development Grant. This money is originally from the Oregon Lottery. The City has applied for two $20,000 grants from the State of Oregon's Business Oregon Department for Master Plans for both of the water and wastewater systems. GK Machine plans to donate funds to the City, for the City to hire a consultant to do a transportation study. Without these revenue sources the UGB Expansion Study would not be possible.
The TAC meetings are open to the public but no public comment or testimony will be heard at this time. Public testimony and comments will be heard at the Donald Planning Commission and City Council meetings as well as at the Marion County Commissioner’s Meeting. Please see the timeline for these tentative dates.